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Shale Day 2024

The IAPG Houston, partnering with its sister organization IAPG, hosted the event “Shale in Argentina – Vaca Muerta: Beyond the Current Energy Context.” In its fourth edition, the event featured an impressive lineup of speakers, including national and provincial authorities, operators, and service companies.

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IAPG Houston General Assembly 2024

The IAPG Houston held its annual meeting at the Doubletree Marriott Hotel in Houston. During the event, Mrs. Maria Marta Mina, our outgoing President, highlighted the key milestones achieved during the 2023-2024 period before officially handing over the baton to Joe Amador, our incoming President.

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Webinar – Ley de Bases & RIGI: What we know so far

The IAPG Houston, in collaboration with Nicholson y Cano Abogados, hosted a webinar discussing key aspects of the recently passed law. During the session, a panel of industry experts shared their insights on the law’s potential impact and highlighted areas that still require further clarification.

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