IAPG Houston is proud to announce that the winners of the Scholarships have been selected

The Scholarship Program is for Argentine professionals planning to pursue or currently enrolled in a graduate degree program in the United States of America in Energy related studies.
The funding of the scholarships is possible thanks to the proceeds of IAPGH industry events, the continued support of our members and corporate sponsors.
IAPGH has been awarding the Claudio Manzolillo scholarship for over 10 years and has also reached an agreement with Comision Fulbright Argentina to support Argentineans seeking postgraduates studies in energy related studies in the United States.
Patricio Santillán

- Northeastern University
- Currently enrolled in MSC Energy Systems
- Fulbright Scholar
- GPA 4.0
- Bachelor’s in Electromechanical Engineering – UTN Chaco
- Worked in YPF, SBP Sonne and MELK Gmbh
Agustina Gonzalez

- Industrial Engineer – UTN
- Worked at Petróleos Sudamericanos and Sinopec Argentina
- Teaching Assistant at UTN
- MS in Energy Systems
- Northeastern University
- GPA 4.0
Agustin Garbino

- Petroleum Engineer – ITBA
- Fulbright Fellow
- Worked with Tecpetrol
- Master of Petroleum Engineer
- University of Texas at Austin
- GPA 4.0