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Shale Day 2024

On September 12, 2024, IAPG Houston and IAPG hosted the event “Shale in Argentina – Vaca Muerta: Beyond the Current Energy Context” at the Doubletree Marriott Hotel in Houston. The event was a resounding success, featuring a remarkable lineup of speakers who offered invaluable insights into Vaca Muerta’s impressive progress and, more importantly, its future potential.

We were honored to host Eduardo Rodriguez Chirillo, Argentina’s Energy Secretary; Rolando Figueroa, Governor of the Province of Neuquén; and Jimena Latorre, Minister of Energy of the Province of Mendoza. They reaffirmed the commitment of national and provincial authorities to the development of Vaca Muerta. Horacio Marín, CEO of YPF, also presented the company’s plans to become an LNG exporter and to expand midstream infrastructure to unlock the play’s vast resources. Additionally, other producers and service companies shared their success stories related to Vaca Muerta.

Overall, the event created an unparalleled platform for meaningful discussions on sustaining recent growth in Vaca Muerta. Achieving this will require collaboration among all stakeholders, but the future of Vaca Muerta is undoubtedly promising.

IAPG and IAPG Houston would like to express our gratitude to the event sponsors whose support made this event possible.

Pan American Energy

YPF, Chevron, Equinor, Nabors Industries, Tecpetrol, United Airlines

CGC, Duralitte, en constante evolución, ExxonMobil, Halliburton, Rystad Energy, Shell

Pampa Energia, Pluspetrol, sparkgy